Wednesday, October 7, 2015


As soon as she could fathom the good news buried six feet under the brevity of the text, Claire rushed to rest her demons waging against the happiness. She knelt down in front of Him, hands folded , tears in her eyes and begged for forgiveness. It unreasonably yet instantly occurred to her that she needed to give up something secretly important to be granted this new wish. She gave up on a fading dream close to her heart.

The roads were flooded. The rains knocked her window in an attempt to touch her. It was a gloomy dark morning. Several calls followed and the power of perceived slight relationships amazed her yet again. Her happiness confused her and she broke into tears, happiness and anxiety shifting their weights among themselves. To be happy for others was something new to her. The dramatic emphasis added by the weather provoked her to empathize for the first time. She felt an instant gush of shame and guilt knock her down. Among the firsts, she realized she badly wanted to be there for her friend.

When distance is chosen, one cannot be surprised at the compromises that follow. The next two days were tense around the subject and she prayed to the gods and demons alike. It gifted her a sense of belongingness.

Finally, on the third day she heard from Zara. The news wasn't negative and they rejoiced over the 'not bad'. The signals couldn't transmit the relief but helplessness reached each other in abundance.

"Hard is not relative, it is absolute." This scraped her mind.

If you didn't speak, how can it be heard? If you didn't show, how can I care? If you don't want, how can I let myself in? She thought to herself, if its not shared, its heavier and unfair.

The liquids, the flesh, the skin, feed them all you want. The covers, the face, show them off all you want. The stack, the height,lose them all you have. While at it, touch a shoulder and borrow a tear but above all let it happen.

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