Friday, November 13, 2015

Warm Black- 1

Five part write up about warmth and darkness. Inspired by Daehyun Kim.

"If you didn't save it, you let it go"

As clouds gave way to the sunshine that afternoon, her early morning appointment was still on her mind. She wasn't sure if she wanted to share but she was sure she wanted to talk. I let the rays touch my skin along our ride and knew that Now we are in the same place.

:: The numerous, unnecessary and blinding options around us for everything is dangerously coming to bite us. The possibilities each option could lead to and become has rendered us dysfunctional and we gamble only to be disappointed. "What we want" is now replaced by "What's out there" and this vicious cycle has us trapped.

We reached the place and strolled and talked. What we had looked insignificant in the light of what could have been and this scared us. We talked in spirals about the chase and the run.

:: Anything that didn't deserve to be saved must be let go. However, we are so used to holding onto for " a little bit" longer that nothing good can come out of it. The argument of "meant to be" is a man made convenient excuse to be lazy. You dropped it and want the universe to undo gravity for that moment? Of course!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Spiral Limit

He slid his chair hard towards the wall and walked past from behind me. I knew this is the limit and didn't pretend to understand what was going on. I let it be and he came back after 10 min to sit next to me and we sat through a peculiarly boring class. The schedules in some cases and no-schedule in others, have taken weird routes through the dynamics. Its wearing for some and others give up easily to whims of the mood.

Its amazing how we all have come to realize our roles in this deranged set up.This afternoon, I stumbled upon some news and gave it the power. I slid the chair hard against the wall, packed my stuff and marched out. Nothing around me flinched. Its not about not caring anymore but letting it be. As we all drove to dinner awkwardly with disproportionate amounts of silence and talk, we knew this is the new normal.

The importance not trying to figure out is weighing in everywhere positively, The new lows make previous lows seem a missed high. "I am happy for you" now seems the most overused hollow statement. Yet there is a sense of momentary lightness to it. Its so bleak that it is usually easily missed. One can trace it in the knocks and when answered, you let them in.

Living through this will seem hilarious in the retrospect but while we are here it's special. The apologies and confessions, the awkward yes and the unsaid no, the offers and the missed explanations, the sliding of the chairs are all defining new limits. I just deferred a conversation to never and defined a new open orbit. I just held my words and smiled instead. Let it work until it won't.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Iphone 6 you suck

When you frame your mind to blow your money on this worthless piece of shit, you are either drawn by trend, superfluous loyalty or just because you are thralled for no particular reason. You assume it works for a reason unknown to you and then there is the classy launch and raunchy history records for geeks.

For a close to $800 purchase I would prefer making 8 paperboats and sailing them in the sea with each $100 bill than buying this product. Now that I bought this ( Go ahead judge me) I am laughing at how ridiculous can a product get?

Firstly, its ridiculously high priced for absolutely no fucking reason. Its strength is exponentially decreasing as the new models are being unveiled and its UI is trying to create a illusion of being different from previous versions.

Secondly, the namesake service. Lets talk about them even having this non-functional but popular department. They can't even provide basic services for free even for the months to follow, lets not talk about years. At the time of purchase you are told you get 'warranty' (the word is facpalming itself as I use it here). Its so void that it doesnt deserve a sentence for it.

AppleCare Plus? Are you hearing about this for the first time? Well join the club. If you are hearing about it for the first time, you are already late as are we. Its a word you discovered once your phone got screwed and then you realized you should have known about it earlier. But once you cracked the joke you laughed. The joke about a $30 savings at the expense of paying about the same upfront for buying this yet another meaningless illusion of better customer service.

Thirdly, they don't give a fuck. There are several manifestations of this, When you contact customer service they never try to find out a practical way out for you, no matter how grave or different it is, they have 4 meaningless ( this word is getting tired of being used but it understands) options of which you have to pick one, well because you are suffering from lemmingitis.

Lastly, you can't even return this back after a month, just a month. While I spoke to the customer rep, they said " Oh we are sorry you are not satisfied with the phone, but we allow returns only within 2 weeks." Translation- " We are so glad you missed the two week deadline , live with it sucker."
Among the few things I am sure about the world in the future, I am most certain about Apple going down. For the all the worthless glory bestowed on its worthless self, it has no way but down.

Dear Apple,

The huge customer base you boast of is a result of the quality you once offered, see through yourself as we see it. Get your shit together.

This rant is not to create a judgement but to save souls from rewarding a bad product.

May you make sense soon.

Wishful Cuts

Roza emphasized desperately, "such a shame..... such a waste of a good fit!!". Naimmin, in response, quoted a french philosopher,...