Thursday, December 24, 2009


I'd rather prefer stating the glass half empty because I believe its a trick to convince yourself that you are prepared for the worst.It worked for me and I continue to practice it even at the most crucial and vulnerable times.Optimism conceives in the womb of pessimism and can only be appreciated by those who have been a victim to the latter.

My recent past has been very rosy and pampering but i warned myself not to step into the specious world.Yet I admit I have traveled the carpet lost in the scent of romance that lures and then preys.No sooner that I was feeling like a beautiful princess living her dreams ,I was the target of the indirect ,blunt truth that this isnt for too long.I step forward with chivalry and answer -"I know" and tear my heart -"I wish".Why cant I be 'princess forever'?i consoled ,convinced and forced myself to march back to the veracious world I belong.The following esprit de corps I intended to make-"I dont quite like the world and wish to step back...........I never wished to enter......who are you.....rather I was already deciding to leave ..........its no my kind.....thanks but I have seen many beautiful heaven equal lands and yours rank no where.

The truth is ever since I always felt like cinder-e-ella when it came to the beau quotient and still dont rank myself high.Destined as it seems a distinguished cherub made me feel as the most beautiful princess on earth and I believed him.He held my tender ,delicate hands in his tough fist and showed me the most beautiful things.He felt my smile and pain.He heard the beat and saw the tears that didnt stream down.He warned me he was a cherub and could never deny the fact.I smiled it off then and now grope over it.We both confessed that we failed to accept the destiny.

This narration is a prerequisite for the conclusion I intend to make.All through the journey I unknowingly warned myself and figured out the worst in all possible permutations and combination's.

This had and has been helping me to garner strength and gifts me an iota of optimism.

Pessimism is just a mental pathway one must travel before expecting to step onto the carpet of roses because the former helps appreciate the latter.
An optimistic person has already traveled it thoroughly.
At few delicate times I restored my composure and combated against the waves and sometimes I surrendered .I explained my conscience to ameliorate on this effort.

Wishful Cuts

Roza emphasized desperately, "such a shame..... such a waste of a good fit!!". Naimmin, in response, quoted a french philosopher,...